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Hosting Information

A great way to begin your undergrad is to participate in Trinity’s Non-Res Hosting Program during Frosh Week. Designed as an opportunity to get non-res and resident students more involved with one another, non-res hosting is an opportunity to sign up for what is essentially a week-long roommate. Over the summer, Frosh Week coordinators will be working hard to pair together students with similar interests during Frosh Week, with the hopes of creating long-lasting friendships for all the students who choose to be involved. Upon arriving at Trinity, students will be assigned their pairing and share their room with another Frosh! Basically, hosting offers you a default buddy for the week, someone who is guaranteed to be in your Frosh Group for the week’s activities, and who will hopefully make those first few days a little less awkward! The Hosting Survey is up now! 

Rooming with a Res Kid:

Rooming with a resident student during Frosh Week is a fun and invaluable thing to do. Not only will you assure yourself of a companion and friend during Frosh Week, but also you will spare yourself the commute to and from campus everyday and allow yourself to truly engage in Frosh Week and in Trinity College. Spending the week in residence will help you feel confident about being on Trinity campus throughout the year. If you would like to spend the week in residence, the process is very simple:

1) Check the “I would like to participate in Non-Res Hosting” button on your registration form;

2) Complete a quick survey designed to gauge your activity during Frosh Week – you can find it at;

3) Eagerly await more information regarding your pairing come Frosh Week! Easy, right?

Then it’s time to get down to business! You will arrive on campus on September 3rd with all the clothes, toiletries and other items you will need for the week. You must be sure to bring everything you feel that you will need with you, including something to sleep on (sleeping bag, pillow, blanket, etc.)! You will have access to bathroom facilities all week, and will eat in the dining hall. Your resident host may choose to give you a key to his or her room during the week. If not you will have to be sure to make arrangements with your host every night, since you will not be able to access your host's room or the residence without him or her. While you are staying in your host's room you will be expected to be respectful of your host's will and property. Remember that they are doing you a great kindness by taking you in for the week, and treat them as you would like to be treated if you were doing the same. At the end of the week, or perhaps sooner depending on your preference or your host's, you will pack up your stuff and return home to turn your attention to the school year. That's all there is to it! Having said this, agreeing to room on campus for the week is not an irrevocable decision. If at any point you change your mind about your desire to stay on campus or are uncomfortable with your rooming situation, you may feel free to speak to any of your frosh leaders or executives who will pass the message along to your Non-Res Coordinators, Lex and Andrew, and they will do what they can to address your situation.

Still have questions about Non-Res Hosting? Write to addressing either Thomas or Anastasiya.

On Hosting a Non-Res Student in your room:

Hosting a non-resident student during Frosh Week is a fun and invaluable thing to do. You’ll build a close friendship during the week with an individual that knows the city well and you will be really helping out a student who would otherwise have to commute to and from campus every day. You will allow them to truly engage in Frosh Week and in Trinity College! If you would like to spend the week in residence, the process is very simple:

1) Check the “I would like to participate in Non-Res Hosting” button on your registration form;

2) Complete a quick survey designed to gauge your activity during Frosh Week – you can find it at;

3) Eagerly await more information regarding your pairing come Frosh Week! Easy, right?

Then it’s time to get down to business! On September 5th, after you have moved into your new room for the year, anon-res pairing will show up to leave their things in your room just before the day’s activities begin. In committing to anon-res roommate, all you are expected to do is offer a little floor space where your pairing can sleep. They will bring everything else they need for the week. Once your pairing has moved in, it is up to you whether you are more comfortable giving your new roommate a key or your phone number to allow for access to their stuff throughout the day, and of course at night to sleep. While you are hosting a non-res, they have been instructed to be respectful of your will and property. You are doing you a great kindness by taking them in for the week, and should treat you as they would like to be treated if they were doing the same. At the end of the week, or perhaps sooner depending on your preference or your hostee’s, they will pack up their stuff and return home to turn their attention to the school year. That's all there is to it! Having said this, agreeing to be a host room on campus for the week is not an irrevocable decision. If at any point you change your mind about your desire to host a non-res student or are uncomfortable with your rooming situation, you may feel free to speak to any of your frosh leaders or executives who will pass the message along to your Non-Res Coordinators, Lex and Andrew, and they will do what they can to address your situation.

Still have questions about Non-Res Hosting? Write to addressing either Thomas or Anastasiya.

Hostings FAQ

1) What if I don’t like my pairing?

Well, make sure you’ve given them a chance first, but if it really turns out that we’ve made a troublesome pair, let us know! There are always options for a switch, and we really don’t want anyone feeling uncomfortable in the situation!

2) I’m in a double room; will we be hosting two non-res? If you are in a double room, and both students sign up for Non-Res Hosting, you will receive an email asking if you are comfortable hosting two students. If you think this might be an issue, let us know, and we will ensure your room only hosts one non-res student.

3) I’m a non-res; what kind of things will I need when I get to my host’s room?

Non-Res students are expected to bring everything they will need with them. You can expect to be sleeping on the floor, so bring your bedding and a comfy pillow. That being said, try to respect the fact that someone has just given you a place to stay and keep your stuff clean and out of the way during the day time!

4) If I already know a student living in res/off-res, can we be paired together?

Yes! This is obviously the best case scenario. If you already know someone you would like to be paired with, indicate it in the Other Comments section of the survey!

5) Will the pairing mean I have to spend all my time with the individual I’m rooming with?

Not at all! The room pairing is just for sleeping arrangements. Obviously, you are free to meet with any and all friends you make during Frosh Week!

6) This survey I have to fill out, will it have an impact on my residence for the rest of the year?

Absolutely not! The survey is EXCLUSIVELY for your predicted lifestyle during Frosh Week! If you are typically quiet but plan on partying hard during Frosh, let us know! It will in no way affect your residence after Frosh Week but it will ensure that we match people that are compatible.


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