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A letter from your Head Frosh Leaders Mac Chapin and Victoria Reedman 

Frosh Leaders


SUP 1T7!!


We’re Mac and Victoria and we’re your head frosh leaders whose sole duty is to make sure you guys have a great time during your frosh week.  Our frosh week last year was one of the most amazing experiences of our lives. *raises roof* Frosh week is where you get the opportunity to meet a whole bunch of new people from different years and just have a blast without having to worry about anything. No school, no job, just carefree, wholesome goodness. Well… sort of wholesome.
Here are three things we would like you to think about during frosh week:


1. Be brave, do EVERYTHING your heart desires during frosh week. You won’t regret it. Just put yourself out there. We promise we will love you. The easiest way to make friends is talking to people.





​2. Be yourself. Frosh week is an introduction to a whole new set of people. You get to be whoever you want to be so just be YOU! You have a completely blank slate, take advantage of it!

3. Drink water! Plenty of the frosh week events will be exhausting (fun in the sun really takes it out of you) and staying hydrated will make your mornings a lot less painful ;)

4. Don’t be afraid of the upper years. Everyone at Trin (especially those there for frosh week) are really excited to meet all of you and we promise we don’t bite!!

5. Take advantage of the events. We have a huge range of events of every kind for every person! If you like to dance, we’ve got boogie time! If you like to just chill out, there are lax events as well. The best way to meet people is go to where the people are, the events! 

6. GO WILD!!!! You only frosh week once YOFWO (this will be a thing, we are making this a thing)

Overall, don’t be nervous! All of you are going into this looking for exactly the same things. There is a huge crowd of people at Trin just dying to meet all of you! We can’t wait to see all your pretty faces in September!! *virtual hugs*
All the love,


Mac & Victoria


Dear Froshies
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